Who Is A Critical Thinker? Know Life Changing Hack.

What do you comprehend by the term Critical Thinking? How can it identify with our day by day life? Clarify it with the assistance of different models.


“Critical thinking is the examination of substances to outline a judgment”

Critical thinking enables us to examine information objectively and makes a judgment having a unique reason.

This may include data, facts, observable phenomena, and research findings. Critical thinking is likewise the capacity to contemplate what to do or what to believe.

Relation To our Daily Life:

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Critical thinking is also one of our hobbies and it is frequently done by everyone in everyday life, this is not such a thing you need to know how to do or from where it would be found.

This is the thinking that you imagine or judge something critically inside you for the things you are surrounded by or which you hear from others talking with specific reasons of truthfulness.

It might also be a piece of any information on which you are thinking critically, such as we often hear “facts” about different knowledgeable topics. When we think about the claims that we hear and judge their facts by true reasons then it might be called critical thinking.

Who Is A Critical Thinker?

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A scholar asks a general question “Why its important to think critically?, similarly another asked “Why I study BS IT for having communication skills? Behind this all they now thinking critically. Whenever we try to ask for a reason behind something, we are thinking critically.

All these questions reflect that person is asking for justifications for doing something or not or to believe something or not, such a person is known as a critical thinker but not everyone can become a critical thinker by asking merely questions that have no reasons to ask behind what.

We can conclude a critical thinker
• Who is asking for justification and reasons
• Who is responsible for different tasks
• Who need reasons not just emotions for gaining knowledge about something
• Who is always willing to have the best explanations Depth
• Who is doubtful or who don’t believe others easily
• Who believes in evidence and follow the route that the evidence points toward

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Standards Of Critical Thinking:

Standards of critical thinking enable us to evaluate whether one’s thinking is critical or good. These standards may help us to enhance our sense of critical thinking which helps us to write, think, and resolve different issues in a way that reflects our intellectual responsibilities. We will be able to use these standards at the exact point of viewing thinks critically. We shall discuss some criteria which cover the most important standards of critical thinking, these are given below.

• Clarity
• Accuracy
• Precision
• Relevance
• Depth
• Breadth

1-Clarity :

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To think critically, the first and major standard is to achieve clarity. It’s essential to speak and write clearly to any exercise which includes critical thoughts. If I’m able to explain my case clearly then nobody can evaluate what I say as either relevant or true or worth listening to.

When a doctor says the patient in medical terms what their problem is, then it might be confusing for the patient. But when the doctor says this thing in common or simple words the patient can understand easily and start telling about his condition. Conceptual clarity is essential to critical thinking.

2-Accuracy :

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Being accurate means being true to the facts. Quantitative judgments in science require accuracy; we know that in scientific experiments we cannot give merely rough statements, It similar to some of our daily life tasks, for instance, as we may do to buy some food items regarding its weight from the market.

We also understand the importance of accurate estimates when we are infuriated by irrelevant or false news reports on television or any other platforms of social media. Similarly, the same thing lies to another person when he is listening about your estimates, so, accuracy is important to critical thinking.

3-Precision :

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Precision is also a criterion of critical thinking that is much closed to accuracy, as one cannot precise without accuracy while one can be accurate without precision. For instance, I may say that it’s very hot from June to August in the USA, then this statement will be accurate, but if I say this with reference to temperature then this statement will be precise. In being precise we become more specific and don’t need to give further details relevant to substantiate a claim.

4-Thinking Relevant :

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Thinking about things that are irrelevant to issues under inquiry or speaking about such irrelevant things can’t let you go far in the business of thinking critically. While thinking on a problem to resolve its issues may help us to know about what is relevant and important for that which is making a sense of critical thinking. So, thinking through problems will help you in thinking critically.

5-Depth :

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From the above explanations, we have learned that for critical thinking we need to be clear, accurate, and precise, and focus on relevant things. Doing all this gives a certain amount of depth in handling a problem at hand. When we think critically, we get to the heart of the matter which helps us to resolve our issues more easily. We got this ease by getting to the heart of the matter for achieving a certain amount of depth.


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The investigation of a problem should not only be deep but also sufficiently broad. A study has achieved the desired breadth when we have considered all the relevant aspects of the problem and have not left any important detail unattended. Investigating various parts of the current issue and adopting an elective methodology likewise encourages us to accomplish the desired breadth.


As mention above, all the perspectives of critical thinking are very important in practical life, these skills assist you to way better get it the experiences and views of others, upgrading your capacity to work with different people. So, for getting success in different perspectives of your practical life, you must be a critical thinker.

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